Crop production across India as seen through graphic illustrations.
Hop on journey to explore the diversity of Consumption of foods across India.
Enhanced Understanding of the Market-Price variations of foods across India.
A concise comparison of food Production,Consumption and Market-Price
Interactive Choropleth maps plotting state- & district-wise data of Production, Consumption & Market-Price.
Interactive Year-wise charts indicating the trends in Production, Consumption & Market-Price of foods over time.
Visually striking Pie Charts of relative Production, Consumption & Market-Price variations of foods.
Informative Datatables, that can be Sorted, Filtered, Printed & Exported to multiple formats.
Explore the Production, Consumption and Market-Prices of crops across the districts in India in a single informative frame.
Customize the interactive data Comparison between Production, Consumption & Market-Price using multiple combination of components.
Prebuilt Comparison Dashboards are available !
Take the easy route- Customize the prebuilt Comparison dashboards.
Take the hard route - Create your own Comparisons.
Export the customized Comparison for factual visualization of your presentations & ideas.
Choose between Maps, Year-wise charts, Pie Charts & Datatables.
Customize your arrangements of Widgets.
Refer to User Manual for more details !
The Dashboard is built with a flat design and responsive.
This dashboard is accessible from any mobile or desktop device.
This Dashboard is built with flat design concept. It is fully responsive built with Bootstrap 3+ Framework, HTML5 and CSS3, Media query.
Content Delivery Network (CDN) accelerates the performance.
Any delays noticed in collecting and rendering results is because dashboards are generated by subsetting millions of data records.
Dashboard Performance is subject to network speed and bandwidth
St. John's Research Institute
Professor & Head Dept. of Biostatistics SJMC
Professor & Former Head
Dept. of Physiology SJMC
Associate Professor Dept. of Nutrition
Lead Research Developer
Web Developer
Senior Research Analyst
Research Analyst
This project has been funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.