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Health Data Tools!

WHO - ICDS SNP Optimization Tool

This tool addresses the issue of nutritional provisions for children by creating customized plans for THR and HCM based on each state's requirements. By focusing on locally available foods aligned with regional preferences and government budgets, the tool aids in enhancing nutrition for children in these programs and informs policy decisions in Nutrition and Food by suggesting optimal food combinations for both HCM and THR, with respect to Government guidelines.

FOI - Foods of India: Crop Dashboard

Visualize production of crops across the districts of India through trendy plots and pie charts. Explore the diversity of consumption of foods across states and districts of India Delve into the market prices of foods across the states and districts of India. Compare production, consumption and market prices of foods in a single informative frame.

FOP - Foods Optimized for Population

This powerful tool calculates optimized diets for populations of different age groups and multiple diet types in one go! FOP comes with an Affordability Calculator to check the diet cost against the average income of respective states. Logged-in users can save their custom food prices.

DOT Food - Diet Optimization Tool

“Confused about what foods to buy… and how much to buy… to feed your family at minimal cost? DOT Food is what you need - a tool to help you make food choices in a confusing world!”
This is a joint project between the Department of Biostatistics (St. John’s Medical College), Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (St. John’s Research Institute and Division of Nutrition (St. John’s Research Institute), Bangalore, India

SNO - Supplementary Nutrition Optimization

“Confused about what foods to buy… and how much to buy… to feed your beneficiaries at minimal cost? SNO (Supplementary Nutrition Optimization) food is what you need - a tool to help you make food choices in a confusing world!”
The development of this tool supported by funding received by St. John's Research Institute from BIRAC Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India.